PPSD (Post Pandemic Stress Disorder)

Are you experiencing any of these difficulties, concerns or symptoms? : Lethargy, sleepers sleeplessness, stress, anxiety, panic, poor concentration, irritability, hopelessness, distress, erratic moods? You may be experiencing Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder (PPSD). This is a wide ranging and common response to the last two years and one or any number of the above symptoms may be disabling your ability to find peace, calm or sense of ease in your everyday life since the pandemic has thrown much of what we have become accustomed to into chaos. With health and social care services stretched and access to resources very difficult, many people find their ability to cope strained and without support. Many will know the term PTSD that stands for post-traumatic stress disorder and was first used to describe the response to the horror of the Crimean War and was called Soldiers’ Nerves. More recently it has been called Gulf War Syndrome and even more recently the acronym has been used to delineate a range of symptoms associated with historic trauma, abuse, loss and terror associated experiences. Much of what the whole world has gone through in the past two years since Sars-Covid-2 has raged through the world has disrupted, devastated and left isolated many millions who have lost resilience whilst isolating from this virus. Many more have been affected directly by the impact of this pandemic. Thus, for large sections of the population there is a sense of loss, of lives being torn apart without support and left to ruminate in an anxious solitary way how to navigate the landscape of this newly emerging world. Too much work, not enough work, strangled educational and residential bonds leave many without developmental opportunities to overcome the past two years. This is what we term Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder and if you are experiencing anything like the above, you are not alone and this is treatable and you can regain and recover a sense of purpose meaning and will to forge on. Find the courage to reach out to available accessible and affordable support at EASE Wellbeing talking therapy service (engage@easewellbeing.co.uk or referrals@easewellbeing.co.uk) or if it is urgent, you can call us on 020 3633 6653


Mark Rayner

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