Ease Wellbeing

Ernesto Spinelli​


Professor Ernesto Spinelli has for many years been known as a personable professional who has led the world in his work with people and training people to be able to provide really effective help in times of need

He has always
maintained a focus on the central importance of relationships and has brought the ideas about relating and how we all relate to each other to the forefront of the work of counsellors and psychotherapists

He has gained an international reputation as one of the leading contemporary trainers and theorists of existential analysis as applied to psychology and psychotherapy and, more recently, the related arenas of coaching and conflict mediation.

He is a Fellow of both the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), a UKCP registered existential psychotherapist and an APECS accredited executive coach and coaching supervisor. 

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Supporting Recovery & Wellbeing

Supporting recovery